Preparation for Total War | Deuteronomy 20; Invasion of Canaan; Israel’s enemies; Israel’s ancient borders

AndyBible History6 Comments

Bible History – C. 1407-06 BC GOD’S WAR MANUAL Sun Tsu’s The Art of War is a wonderful work on the basic principles of successful strategy in war. It is a strong work which many professions even outside the military, such as business executives, learn from. Nevertheless it is still based on the “Babylonian system”, which is man’s way of doing things. Deuteronomy … Read More

Twelve Tribes of Israel

AndyBible History5 Comments

Bible History It is at this point pertinent to address the 12 tribes because their distinction will begin to be more evident as we move in history. Some battles have only a few of them in action and some even have tribes fighting each other. These tribes would grow into nations and empires. The identification of these nations today will … Read More