Bible Study through Bible Battles

Current ancient war campaign in study:
1398 - 948 BC
Exodus 14:14 (NRSV). The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.
Ancient history & Bible battles
Regardless of what daily headlines or breaking news say, there has only ever been one war with only two combatants. This is why all Bible battles and prophecy point to what is happening in the Middle East and the World now and what they teach on spiritual warfare applicable to our daily lives.
God's War Plan is an integral study of the Bible battles which considers historical roots, highlights military strategy and unravels deep spiritual lessons. There has only ever been one war and only two combatants. Spiritual warfare is manifested in the historic conflicts of the natural realm recorded in Scripture.
We dive deep into each engagement an shed light on modern warfare from a spiritual perspective. We analyze how that relates to major historical battles in the Bible, 20th century and beyond to show:
(a) All conflict comes from the spiritual war between good and evil.
(b) We are at the end times.
(c) God is in control of His followers.
We use this term “God’s War Plan” to describe God’s plan for humanity (which is about love, not war) and the role we play with the very real power at our disposal as stated in the Bible.
Bible battles in the Old Testament were victories for God's people as long as they stuck with His precepts; that was God's war plan.
Is God for war? Bible battles explained
It depends what we mean by "war". In this new dispensation of grace, the battles of these End Times creating destruction on the Earth is evidently not God's plan. However, the wars of the End Times are, nevertheless, part of a higher prophetic "plan" albeit not part of God's active will. Ultimately God’s "war plan" - after which our study is named - of the highest order is that His people, Christians, learn the realities and tools of spiritual warfare and that they teach it to others.
Spiritual warfare & Bible battles
If God has a war plan, then there is a war.
If there is a war, then there must be two sides.
If God is on one side, then it is obvious who is on the other.
But why this concern with Satan? Do we need to bring him up? Morbid curiosity about the prince of darkness is dangerous. However, many Christians don’t even think exists, and this is equally dangerous. There seems to be, in particular circles what some might view as an unnecessary reference to the dark spiritual forces. Everyone knows that evil exists in the world. However, when it comes to the spiritual overview, while a large number of believers are willing to consider the spiritual good – God – they are less inclined to recognize the prominence of its counterpart that is evil (Satan).
1 Peter 5:8 (NRSV). Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.
Satan is not just an idea. He is genuine and active because (a) the Bible speaks of him, and (b) the prominence of his role is logical.
The concept is simple. We know that if good exists in what we learn from God, we also know that there is an enemy that comes immediately to steal and destroy that message (John 10:10). He comes to bring confusion, doubt and unbelief about the Gospel.
The God of war
To glorify, or even elevate, evil above where it lies is doctrinally unhealthy. Our focus is on the kingdom of heaven, not on the kingdom of darkness. Nevertheless, we should not dismiss the Devil as an allegory or metaphor as so many do. If a believer ignores the enemy's cohabitation in this world, then he is facilitating inroads for him into his life. The power of God in the life of an imprudent believer inevitably dwindles. In other words, even the good the believer has is taken away from him (Matthew 13:12).
Christians wage spiritual warfare for this reason. The Bible is our manual for spiritual warfare. A significant part of Scripture consists of instructions, precepts and stories included for our training in defeating the enemy. It is this well-distributed content that we (perhaps artistically) entitled "God's War Plan".
This property of Scripture guides us through this life in our mortal coil, assisting us to navigate, from glory to glory, until we are transferred before the throne of God. What our project humbly proposes to do is to support this edification process by reviving the military exploits in this sacred manual.
Ephesians 6:10-18 (NKJV). […] be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
One third of the Old Testament deals with war. There are over 100 battles in the Bible which are reported in enough detail as to allow us to construct a corresponding military analysis. This work analyses every major conflict from the dawn of history and shows how, in every instance, God’s plan came to pass. (Isaiah 59:19) The Bible battles we analyze are but an extension of a deeper, greater spiritual warfare that has gone on for millennia. More important than the “how” or “where” of a fight is its outcome. Why does God guarantee victory and what causes the defeats.
Our project is not limited to an isolated account of the individual battles. We also summarize the Bible history episodes in between the Bible battles and chapters leading up to conflicts and wars. There are also Bible stories and descriptive narratives that are fundamental to understand the times, cultures and provisions of God to his people. The dynamics of the Father’s interaction with the Israelites is fundamental to comprehend the implications of obedience, authority and revelation that leads to victory on the battlefield.
There are some ancient battles since the dawn of history which are not reported in Scripture, usually because they do not involve the Hebrews directly. Nevertheless these battles in world history shed substantial light on military aspects – tactics, weapons, logistics – which are instrumental in completing otherwise empirically bare Bible battle accounts. They fill in the gaps on the nature of fighting that took place and on Ancient Middle East geopolitics affecting God’s people direct and indirectly. In other words, these secular battles shed explain the natural worldly causes of war while Scripture focuses on the spiritual.
On the post New Testament and modern era the wars and battles serve to confirm what has already been learned from Bible battles.
Although famous World conflicts like World War II, the Israel-Arab wars after 1948 and other Middle East conflicts are far ahead of the Bible timeline they can here be analyzed in light of what we demonstrate regarding the role of Satan over peoples and leaders, the principalities affecting nations and the wars in the heavenly realms.
All of these are pertinent to these end times.
Just as some Bible history is necessary to understand the history timeline between the Bible battles explicated here, brief articles on military history and world history affecting Canaan and the regions around Israel are appropriate addenda to this project. Such summaries are designed to position the reader in the geographic, socioeconomic and political environment which besets the Bible battles and figures which remain the focus.
How the truth of the spirit world supersedes the facts of the natural. Learn about God, Satan, angels, demons and the real forces behind conflict.
When we accept Christ we have declared war on the kingdom of darkness.
“There is something comforting by having Satan as an enemy. You would rather have him as an enemy than as a friend.” Charles Spurgeon
These are articles concerning topics which are peripheral to the chronological Biblical or historical narrative followed. They can include content related to Middle Eastern archaeology, current news items pointing to end times or instructive as far as spiritual warfare.
This is similar to the categories of Bible History and History of War in that it helps the understanding of the greater conflict between good and evil as well as keeping track of contemporary affairs of major import.
These are articles concerning topics which are peripheral to the chronological Biblical or historical narrative followed. They can include content related to Middle Eastern archaeology, current news items pointing to end times or instructive as far as spiritual warfare.
This is similar to the categories of Bible History and History of War in that it helps the understanding of the greater conflict between good and evil as well as keeping track of contemporary affairs of major import.
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Sun Tsu’s The Art of War is a wonderful work on the basic principles of successful strategy in war. It is a strong work which many professions even outside the military, such as business executives, learn from. Nevertheless it is still based on the “Babylonian system”, which is man’s way of doing things. Deuteronomy 20-21 is God’s own war manual which is infinitely simpler and better. The instructions focus on moral issues for the success in the battlefield depended not on tactics but on faith in God.
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